If you would have told me 7 or more years ago that when looking for a house, I'd be asking, and high on the checklist at that, "Does it have a sun room to contain the dogs leading off to a big fenced yard, and a place to put a doggy door?" I would have said you had completely lost your mind. And yet, here I am, giving up thousands of dollars of my housing budget making sure my 2 little furry brats are happy. Who needs closets anyway?? Ohhhhh, that would be ME. Oh, well....
My Aunt Judy told me when I was about 20 that when I turned 40, I'd love a dog so much that it would sleep in my bed, just like what happened to her. I said, "NEVER." Instead, I beat her to it - I had a little girl that just HAD to have a puppy! Before she was born, I asked that she look like me, act like Richard, and dislike dogs and cats as much as I did. I got 0 of the 3. Thanks a lot, God. :)
Today, I'm giving up precious storage square footage for the sake of the comfort of 2 dogs (and my sanity). If that's not a lesson for "never say never," I'm not sure what is.
Speaking of premonitions and "never say never," if you had also told me 7 or more years ago that I'd even be looking at other houses after finding my little dream home and having my little dream family, I would have said you had completely lost your mind for that, too. And, yet, here I am. When one dream ends, fall completely apart, then pull yourself together and dream a new dream. Right?? Well, something like that.
Soooooooooooo, NEVER say NEVER!!
(Just some random thoughts, it's been a while.........)